Steve Lehmeyer
Farmington Hockey Families,
It is with an incredibly heavy heart and immense sadness that we deliver the news that Steve Lehmeyer has passed away.
Steve was the absolute EPITOME of our Tiger Tone standards as a member, friend, and FYHA board member in the hockey family. More importantly, an unconditionally loving husband and father. There simply couldn't have been anyone that wasn't met with the biggest smile, unnerving support, and willingness to listen from Steve. From the seemingly ENDLESS financial, moral, physical, and emotional support he and his family offered regularly to the amazing amount of time and energy he put into fundraising for this community, Steve was and always will be an integral part of this community.
The entire Farmington Youth Hockey Association, and it's families, offer our condolences, prayers, love, support, and admiration to the entire Lehmeyer family. We are so sorry for the loss of a great, great man.
Details on how we may celebrate the life of Steve Lehmeyer and honor him and his family will come when they are available and appropriate.
For the time being, a #SticksOut memorial has been started in front of Schmitz-Maki Arena.
With heavy hearts and joyous memories,
Farmington Youth Hockey Board
I’ve been working on writing this since I heard the news yesterday morning. There are no words to describe what a Steve meant to us or our community.
Steve was brought into the FYHA board by Tom Whirley a few years back to help with our gambling and fundraising. He immediately made an impact with his ambition and relentlessness. Steve talked many times to me about making sure our kids were getting what other communities had and worked hard to get us where we are today. As I look back at all the things we’ve been able to do in growing our game, Steve has been a crucial part of making these things happen. I came to realize Steve was the definition of what we are trying to instill in our kids. Steve was TIGER TONE.
Disciplined - I can’t think of a person that placed value on others more than himself. Steve never had a me first mentality. He always did what was best for the whole. I never had the thought that he was in this for benefit of self, he was always a giver and never a taker. Simply a class act.
Professional - at Board meetings there has never been a more focused on a task at hand individual. He took pride in being a member and always had everything ready and organized for us. He was always prepared for any questions that may arise.
Humble - for me this is the definition of Steve Lehmeyer. There will never be another person like him. His demeanor and willingness to always listen to the other side and stay calm and cool. This will always be something that I personally stride for. His way of picking up a tab without anyone having any idea and being gone before you could even say thanks. When you would try to give him credit for sponsoring or getting something done, he would always pass the credit on to someone else. This section I could go on for hours about. I’m sure plenty of us could.
Relentless - he worked tirelessly for FYHA, while also maintaining an elite real estate company, family and driving our kids to school in the morning. He was one of the best at all these things, doing it all with a huge smile on his face.
Leaders - an example of how to lead. I don’t know that Steve thought of himself as a leader, maybe he did. I know that personally I have grown knowing him and talking with him. He helped me become a better listener and leader. He held himself and us accountable for things we had said or done. Steve exemplified leadership!
I’ll end this by saying that I will miss Steve greatly! Like I said above he was one of a kind and in my eyes irreplaceable. We as a community must try and be more like Steve in all of the ways I’ve listed. The last few days have been extremely difficult and we as a hockey family need to come together and be there for each other.
Mat Garofalo
FYHA President